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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Sample Store Review : KANEBO SUISAI Beauty Clear Powder

Hey guys, this time will be about a beauty review – a facial wash from Japan, Kanebo Suisai Beauty Clear Powder, which I got to know through Sample Store. If you do follow my Instagram and actively on IG Stories, you will notice that recently i have been visiting japan frequently. But, I’ve never learned about this beauty powder. Great news is, it can now be found in Singapore as well (Don Don DonkiWelcia-BHG and Lazada)!

Retail price is selling at :
  - $27 for pack of 32
  - $14 for pack of 15. 

This beauty powder is packed in individual small cap for one time use only. Perfect for post gym, swimming and travelling.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tengawa Hokkaido White Curry | Food Review

Two weeks ago, I was invited by J Passport for a food tasting at TENGAWA HOKKAIDO WHITE CURRY. Tengawa, is the the first an the only restaurant in Singapore that serve white curry dishes. Don’t take my word for it, just do a quick search on google, and all you would see it Tengawa popping up top on the list and a few pages afterwards. I had the honor to try two of their finest dishes.

According to the waitress at Tengawa, white curry as interesting as it sounds, is originated from Hokkaido, made from Hokkaido’s milk, it give a creamier base to the curry.